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sugar and spice…

Would somebody please explain to me why coverage of the JonBenet Ramsey case deserves a full day of CNN coverage yesterday, and more still today? Pardon my coldness, but some kid dies several years ago and it’s full “top story” coverage on CNN for over a day? I’m sorry.. I know a child dying is a tragedy. fine, give it a couple days of coverage back when it happened. But there is more important stuff going on in the world. and people look to places like CNN for “what’s important”. I know news is all sensationalism and it has nothing really to do with what’s important, but I have this silly nagging instinct that tells me they should have some sort of social responsibility. I know I know… I’m living in the dark ages.

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  1. August 18th, 2006 at 15:06 | #1

    For the same reason that last night’s Canadian news featured 30 seconds on the war and 2 minutes on Jennifer Aniston not being engaged. People seem to only care about sensationalistic crap these days.

    • August 18th, 2006 at 16:17 | #2

      I don’t even get why people care about celebrities getting married, boinking, cheating, having babies, or *gasp* having relationship problems or walking outside without their makeup.

      Then again, I have heard it’s in order to make themselves feel better about their own lives. The most it does for me is make me roll my eyes.

  2. August 18th, 2006 at 16:14 | #3

    Well, did you hear that Bush’s spying program was ruled…

    oh look! shiny! What will we tell the children?

  3. August 18th, 2006 at 17:05 | #4

    CNN headline news has his tiny segment called “30 seconds around the world.” apparently every important bit of news happening around the globe can be covered in 30 seconds, but they need hours to cover a story about some kid who died TEN years ago.

  4. August 19th, 2006 at 14:44 | #5

    social responsiwhoandthewhatnow?

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