A few recent conversations with different people prompted me to make a quick post on nuclear fusion energy. if nothing else, I can link to this when people have questions instead of reinventing the wheel every time I’m asked about it. Sorry if you don’t care about this (even though you really should). Several of my friends routinely ask me questions about fusion and nuclear energy in general, this isn’t really for them since curiosity is a good thing. This is for the people that come at me with malformed ideas about how the process works, accusing me of supporting destroying the planet or some asinine crap like that.
OMG Nuclear energy is DIRTY you will pollute the planet to death you hatemonger!!1:
This is not at all the case. The waste product of the reaction is inert helium, which can be safely stored and shipped off to be put to any number of industrial uses. Nuclear fusion produces neutrons, which will “activate” any surrounding materials (such as the husk of the reactor), making them radioactive. After 100 years of operation, the amount of radioactive material produced would be negligable compared to 100 years of operation of a standard nuclear powerplant. The effect on the environment of fuel-burning powerplants (coal, oil, gas, etc) after 100 years is massive compared to the small amount of material that would have to be contained. The neutrons emitted can in many cases be re-used to make more fuel for the reaction, thusly increasing the reactor efficiency.
Nuclear power plants MALT DOWN and kill everyone for miles!
It’s not possible for a hot nuclear fusion powerplant to melt down. In a conventional nuclear fission powerplant like we have today, a chain reaction can occur if too much fuel gets too close to too much other fuel. The name of the game is containing the reaction to keep it stable. if the containment fails, *bad things* happen. In modern powerplants it is very difficult for this to occur, but technically it’s still possible through sabotage or whatever else (see also: ninjas). In nuclear fusion however, the situation is reversed. the fuel doesn’t want to react with other fuel, and it actually takes a 12.5 shit-tons of energy (shit-ton is an english unit) to even get the reaction to happen. there’s no possibility of a race-away situation where containment is lost and everyone dies. If containment is lost, the reaction just stops. There will never be a nuclear meltdown with a fusion powerplant. The big problem with getting fusion to work right now is that we can’t get more energy out of the reaction than we put into it. Current research is aimed at increasing the efficiency to get positive output from reactors.
Nuclear power fuel is radioactiuve and kills Bambi
The fuel for fusion reactors is deuterium and/or tritium. these are just heavy isotopes of hydrogen found in nature (Seawater). Tritium is the most desirable for fusion reactors and is typically extracted from the waste water of conventional nuclear fission powerplants. Yes, it basically burns off waste from other nuclear power plants. radioactive materials need to be handled during the extraction of tritium from this waste water, but tritium itself is not terribly harmful. Also, tritium is used in nuclear weapons. So the more tritium we convince countries to supply to be burned for as fuel in fusion plants means less is available for use in weapons.
If you value the envoironment and the planet at large, you really should support nuclear fusion. It has nothing to do with current “conventional” nuclear power plants. It is safer and cleaner than most oil/coal/gas powerplants. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
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