A quick reminder to those who think the WRX is the only “hot” car subaru has to offer:

The Legacy B4. Sexier and more refined than the WRX, and with twin turbo. The Blitzen version is even hotter and I hear rumors of a twin-turbo’d 6 cylinder in its near future. Goodbye Audi RS6 , goodbye skyline. your days are numbered.
Military survalence video 😀 .
I got new bling 😀 . Prodrive P7s made by speedline. Below are some pics with them. they came with Yokohama AVS sport tires. 225/45ZR17. They’re hella wide. but they don’t rub, so I’ve got no complaints :D.
I love the rims. they’re a lot less “in your face” than I thought they’d be. Many thanks to Prity for getting them for me. for no particular reason. again, I’m not gonna complain 😀 . They ran me $500. they retail for 1200 without tires. I’m still trying to figure out why the guy sold them to me for so cheap. I guess it’s one perk of friendship 😀 . They look great, and these tires have sick amounts of grip. They’re going to spoil me 😀 .
I got gold cause that’s “the Subaru thing.” I realize they’re “blingtastic” to anyone outside the subaru community. But if you ask any suabru or WRC fan about gold wheels, they’ll rave about them. I’m enough into the sport as a fan and a participant that I can wear the golds with confidence. So yeah. here are the pics with the P7s. I’ll get more when I get her all cleaned up nice.

I love pron. Oh how I love the pron! I love seeing beautiful naked bodies writhing in their natural beauty…

oh yes, baby… so wet,……
there’s this guy Ted at my work. He’s a leper. I swear. one of his arms is all weird, and he’s got moles all over his face. kinda short. and if that didn’t prove it, he drives a Buick. But that’s besides the point. this man has the strangest eating habits. one of his favorites is eating half a can of progresso soup. from the can. cold. then refridgerating it. and finishing it later. from the can. cold.
but by far his strangest habit is his velveeta addiction. he’ll buy a huge log of velveeta from BJs. he’ll do one of 2 things. he’ll slice off big chunks and eat them “raw” back in his office. just cold chunks of velveeta. or he’ll put a bunch of it in a bowl and microwave it. then eat it like soup. WTH? that’s whAcK~!
gas isn’t QUITE this bad around here yet, but:

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