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Thoughts upon eating an entirely unsatisfying cookie

November 10th, 2004 Leave a comment Go to comments

Long slept Iggathustra in his cubicle; and not only the rosy dawn passed over his head, but also the morning. At last, however, his eyes opened, and amazedly he gazed into the office and the stillness, amazedly he gazed into himself. Then he arose quickly, like a seafarer who all at once seeth the land; and he shouted for joy: for he saw a new truth. And he spake thus to his heart:

A light hath dawned upon me: I need cookies–soft ones; not crumbly ones and crumbly bits of cookies, which fall on me where I eat.

I make for my goal, I follow my course; over the loitering and tardy will I leap. Thus let my on-going be their down-going!


Crumbly cookies are for cretins. Only soft cookies are fit for consumption. Take your crumbly cookies and throw them to the sewers. Let the troglodites, CHUDs, and other subterranian undesirables feast on the brittle bits. They are becoming of such creatures, but not of me.

I require soft cookies. Thus spake Iggathustra.

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  1. November 10th, 2004 at 21:47 | #1

    LOL. That was brilliant.

  2. November 10th, 2004 at 23:02 | #2


    Hilarious… you have too much time on your hands >:]

  3. Anonymous
    November 11th, 2004 at 20:07 | #3

    i recall someone eating my CRUNCHY trader joe’s oatmeal choc-chip cookies with minimal difficulty. mm-hmm.

  4. November 15th, 2004 at 19:53 | #4
    • November 15th, 2004 at 22:58 | #5

      Re: Just for you….

      Oh snap…. this will be fun…. I’ll see if I can whip something up in short order =D

      • November 15th, 2004 at 23:11 | #6

        Re: Just for you….

        Be careful. They dodge issues like mofos on mofo crackers.

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