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Now I remember why I don’t go to “pop clubs.”

I went to the new location of one of the only tolerable clubs in Worcester… Sh-Booms. It’s much bigger than it used to be and pieces of the ceiling don’t fall on patrons anymore. And yes, it’s a pop club. :cringe: . They play terrible remixes of horrible techno. There are very few places in Worcester to go to in the first place. So if it’s Saturday night and you don’t feel like hauling your ass to the Boston area, it’s better than kicking around and doing nothing. Or even worse, going to the Palladium (aka the “get-laidium”). That would be the all ages “old enough to pee” jailbait club here in beautiful Worcester. Never been there.. I think if you’re over 18 they just cuff you at the door.

Anyways… I can’t hear a damn thing now. It was so (chain of explatives) loud in there. my ears never ring the next day. I knew there was a reason I tried to avoid pop venues.

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  1. January 11th, 2004 at 19:09 | #1

    I am not proud to admit this…but I used to attend raves. thank goodness I realized after a short time that I was wasting my time listening to blaring, deafening music which wasn’t even creative in the least. Also, nobody was dancing. people just stood stupidly around in circles watching some douchebag twirl a pair of glowsticks. and everyone was too intoxicated to even have a conversation. I’m glad I no longer participate in such events. the trade-off? I now spend my saturday nights reading and watching the history channel.


    • January 12th, 2004 at 10:56 | #2

      I used to go to “parties” as they called them. They were usually alright. about half the people would dance around and the music wasn’t terrible. My brother knew the scene pretty well so we avoided a lot of junk events. I saw Keoki spin live at a little club in CT once. that was pretty cool. But all the same I don’t like to admit having had anything to do with that scene either.

      and yet I readily admit to being addicted to video games.

      hmmm.. makes sense somehow, I’m sure.

      • January 12th, 2004 at 16:48 | #3

        Just out of curiosity, since you used to be in the party scene and all, what are your thoughts and opinions on E?

        • January 12th, 2004 at 20:38 | #4

          I get flak for this all the time… but I have zero problem with the stuff. the drug is no big deal… as long as the people taking it know what they’re doing. E in it’s “real” for is pretty much harmless as long as you’re not taking it ad nauseum and you make sure that you have friends that won’t let you get into “comprimising situations.” a lot of people aren;t responsible about it. but hey, what can you expect right? I’ve seen a lot of people get messed up off bad E, or get into trouble while in a weakened state. but the crowd I hung with was always good about it and has no bad stories to tell about the stuff. I never took it, but my brother has done just about everything in the book.

          I used to work at Pfizer, and I had access to all kinds of info on just about every chemical out there. MDMA by itself in small doses isn’t harmful unless you have an allergic reaction or something. I would never advocate it in public tho. as I said I get flak for it. the masses aren;t responsible. the only reason I’m even bothering with all this is that this post is burried deep enough that I’m pretty sure you’re the only one reading it 😀 . also I;ve had a long night and I’m restless so Ifeel rambly. so that’s my story.

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