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Matt and I decided to go on the warpath and clean out some of the refugees that were squatting in the back of the fridge. We got out all the tupperware containers. The residents of these containers were of varying ages and stages of proliferation. Upon opening one of the less antiquated vessels:

Matt: “Pasta doesn’t go bad”
Me: “Famous last words, man”

Matty wrestles some of the strands free from the mother-clump and takes a bite.
Me: “…dude”

Moments later, various sounds erupt from Matty as he works the garbage disposal.
Matt: “Oh man, that was not good.”

Moral of the story: Pasta goes bad.

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  1. July 6th, 2006 at 00:33 | #1

    Pasta goes bad fairly quickly. Just so you know. 🙂

    • July 6th, 2006 at 01:08 | #2

      before I would have had to take this on your word alone, now I know it for a fact!

  2. July 6th, 2006 at 12:16 | #3

    Dude, whatever is ON the pasta goes bad. Dur. That could be butter, olive oil, whatever. Plus there’s eggs in some pasta types…yeah.

  3. July 6th, 2006 at 16:11 | #4

    Um…your roommate is the adventurous sort…isn’t he?!

  4. July 6th, 2006 at 16:51 | #5

    XD Oh man, I laugh till it hurts.

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