Bob bitched at me yesterday for leaving 30 minutes early. as I was walking out the door… “So, you going to make up some time later in the week?”



Seriously, I had no idea what to say. None. I was totally and completely without words. After working november and december at 10-12 hours a day every day, and only getting paid for 40 hours, I was so utterly dumbfounded that she’d spew bowels of her lungs. Short memory eh?

Yay for leaving.

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  1. February 2nd, 2005 at 16:20 | #1

    Here’s an answer: “No.”

    • February 2nd, 2005 at 16:31 | #2

      Seriosuly… if she so much as makes a peep about my hours again I’ll tear into her like a pissed guy ripping his boss a new one. It’ll be just like that.

      • February 2nd, 2005 at 16:55 | #3

        How to dis your boss

        I agree with lordbrand. The face of the employer is always best when you answer very quickly and matter of factly. Try to do it where coworkers can see you. This increases the humiliation.
        Boss: “So…you going to make up some time later in the week?”
        You: “No.” Then walk away.
        Boss: *blink blink blink WTF has happened to my respect and autority???*
        You: Snickering happily in the hallway.

        Even a “maybe” works but walking away showing a complete lack of concern is what’s most important here.

    • February 7th, 2005 at 15:58 | #4

      I love this approach. Once again sensible, friendly honesty is the best *and* most amusing solution!

      “Are you going to go to happy hour with us?”
      “Why not?”
      “I don’t really want to. Thanks for the invitation, though.”

      “Are you going to make up these hours later in the week?”
      “Don’t you think you should?”


      Also, I just added you to my friends list. Somewhat overdue, probably.

      • February 7th, 2005 at 16:02 | #5

        Instead, I’m giving my 2 weeks notice today =P. also civil, and far more effective.

        and yes, overdue indeed. I’ve added you as well.

  2. February 2nd, 2005 at 22:33 | #6

    After working november and december at 10-12 hours a day every day, and only getting paid for 40 hours

    seems like a good way to start.

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