Normally Bob is very “proper” when correcting my reports. Her notes are clear and concise (if a little excessive in number). Always very formal, as if her review is going to be reviewed. She’s a bit of a tightwad in general… As mean as I am about her usually, I mean that as a descriptor and not an insult. She doesn’t know how to be funny or social. So I had to laugh when I was reading through her latest set of corrections. One of the notes was “What’s up w/#3?”, referring to a part that has an odd defect. Even reading it now as I’m typing it, it’s not all that funny… just amusingly out of character.

In other news, Jacked from :

Cthulhu humor is funny regardless of political views =P.

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  1. November 4th, 2004 at 08:09 | #1

    Oh, that Cthulhu Cult…with thyeir swamp-dancin’ and their human-sacrificin’…what a bunch of cards!

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