
Archive for October, 2004

October 9th, 2004 1 comment

I’m Going up to NH today to work the “Trunkmonkey Midnight Run” TSD rally. It’s the first event that has our team’s name attached to it. to my knowledge at least. It’s also one of the first events I’ve worked in a long time. Sure I’d rather drive, but it seems that requires a car worth driving =D. I’m perfectly happy to work and spectate. Just getting out there will give me a change of pace I need quite a bit.

The race itself is 7:00PM to midnight… so it looks like a late night. works for me. Hopefully I’ll be able to snap some pics before it gets too dark.

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October 6th, 2004 No comments

Its getting cold out again. You know what that means…

Time to switch the trunkmonkey from ale to stout.

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