September 11th, 2004 Leave a comment Go to comments

how’s this for random….

If you do a google image search for “IggDawg”, the only result that comes up is this picture. Which, oddly enough, is not of me at all. It’s of my good friend Damien and his fiancee Yoshi. He’s in the Navy, stationed in Japan. The other odd thing is that the page the pic is “embedded” in is the “show latest thread” link for NASIOC off topic. at any given moment it doesn’t have this pic in it or reference my name at all.

I b0rkd the intarw3b.

Tangent: Best wishes to Damien and Yoshi. The engagement is fairly recent, and I hope they do very well together. They make an awesome couple.

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  1. September 11th, 2004 at 12:34 | #1

    it’s damien! hahaha. why are you a keyword for his lucky bastard ass?

  2. September 11th, 2004 at 13:36 | #2

    Aww, they’re cute together 🙂

  3. September 11th, 2004 at 21:25 | #3

    Yea, Damien is crazy about her. See that pic posted all the time 😀

    Maybe clue of whos the best man? 😉

    -paK +122

  4. Anonymous
    September 17th, 2004 at 10:21 | #4


    Thanks! If y`all get to Japan about the time of the Wedding, y`all are invited.. but we do not forsee the wedding til after Dec. 2005. I’ll be out of the Navy in May, and coming back to Japan in November for 3 years. w00t!


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