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The Devil made me do it…

So I’ve been toying with FreeBSD. For whatever reason, it’s horribly addictive. I downloaded it about a week ago, and I’ve been spending my evenings tinkering with it. I want to set up a firewall with it to learn about networking and security under FreeBSD. Specifically I’ve been messing with this on application that I really wanted to install… Gnome. It’s a GUI, and a really sexy one at that. I should really be practicing networking instead of dicking around with a GUI, especially since I spend most of my time in the black & white goodness of “console” mode.

The problem is that I get addicted to troubleshooting, and that’s where I do my best learning. “Like fucking hell I’m going to let the machine win!” so I go at it and learn my way to conquering it. it’s how I learned netowking under W2K and XP. So I’ve gone from not knowing how to change directories in this OS that’s 100% alien to me to doing some pretty involved troubleshooting over the course of a week. If I hadn’t slept for 2 hours last night, it would have been the third all-nighter I pulled in the last week… but still, I’m proud of how much I’ve learned.

And the punchline: I knew that it was time to take a break last night when I was talking to this girl I met on emode.com . I’ve been talking to her for about a week now and she’s pretty interesting. We haven’t met up yet since, among other things, my car is in pieces in the garage awaiting parts to fix the transmission. She was offering to come down here and pick me up so we could go on a date. My initial reaction in my head was “no way, I have lots more troubleshooting to do, then I want to set up a firewall.” I took a second to analyze my motivations and found some serious conflicts. Needless to say I’ll be going out tonight, and have sworn not too touch the computer when I get home. at least for 10 minutes or so.

and that’s my story.

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  1. April 23rd, 2004 at 07:28 | #1

    iggdawg isn’t cool if he doesn’t date

  2. April 23rd, 2004 at 08:10 | #3

    Wow, teh Iggdawg is checking out FreeBSD! I’ve found that BSD is organized by sane adults and tends to work nicer than teh Lun1x. The downside, though, is that most unix type software is written for Linux rather than BSD. See, if you go around googling for fun software to check out, everybody and their cat assumes you’re running RedHat.

    Check out ports. Ports is the best thing in BSD, evAR.

    But remember, girls > unix.

    • April 23rd, 2004 at 08:32 | #4

      Yeah, the first thing I did was attack ports. That’s what my big issue is rotating around. So I’m learning all about installing and dependencies cvsup, portupgrade, portsdb, etc.

      and yeah, girls>unix (repeats to self). have to get out :p.

  3. April 23rd, 2004 at 08:42 | #5


  4. April 23rd, 2004 at 17:39 | #6

    no i dont wanna make out, i’m clickity clacking!

  5. April 23rd, 2004 at 18:13 | #7

    I thought you were married???????

    • April 24th, 2004 at 07:28 | #8

      the long and short of it is “not so much anymore”. not since like September of last year.

    • April 24th, 2004 at 07:29 | #9

      Prity and I have been keeping it more or less “on the DL” for now. at least until we move out. which is coming up in about 2 weeks or so.

      • April 24th, 2004 at 13:22 | #10

        Ah jeez, I’m sorry to hear that. It kinda came as a shock, since I don’t recall seeing a thread on nasioc about it. I’ve just become so accustomed to seeing so many people there post every detail of their personal lives. But then again, I guess not all of us feel the need to share every detail of our lives with thousands of strangers.

        So you’re both moving out of the house you have and getting seperate places then?

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