So I’m getting real snow tires for the winter. which means I have a nice spare set of narrow crappy no-name “snow” tires. they’re pretty worn, but no matter. I’ll be making screw tires out of them for ice racing this year. I’ve been talking to Kha0s about the care and feeding of screw tires after teh success of his “RE-92 Evolution” tires. A trip to home depot and a few hours of labor should go a good ways towards making a nice set. apparently there’s mroe to it than shooting a bunch of hex-head screws into a set of crappy tires 😆 . I’ll be posting before and after pics for teh small percentage of you that give one, or even two, flying fucks.

It’ll be fun to ice-race the CRX. I have tons of experience on the loose surfaces in various Subarus, but never have I attempted anything like this in a FWD car with an open diff (or any sort of diff for that matter). it’ll be fun. I’m sure there will be videos of my antics.


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