September 9th, 2004 Leave a comment Go to comments

There’s a very different feel to the atmosphere just before a big snowfall. It’s an almost dire feel. A sort of deadly stillness fills everything. The trees sit stationary, but but look almost like they’re shivering imperceptibly… as if perhaps you looked a little closer you could see it. It’s that uneasy “peace before the storm” people always speak of, but before heavy snowfall it’s that sort of assaulting peace that suffocates and penetrates you. It seems like snow could condense from between atoms at any moment. It’s a cool feeling and I look forward to it every year.

I’ve been thinking of it recently because the look of the outside has been like that. There’s a glass door between the lab and my office, and I always check outside to make sure it isn’t raining into my open windows during the summer. Recently it’s had the “about to snow” look. There’s something different about the atmosphere. I think it has to do with all the nastiness that’s been pummeling the south-east of the country… As the storms travel northward we get atypically strong thunderstorms and whatnot. The slight difference in the manner of the storms must trip off my spidey sense somehow. dunno.

Thought I’d ramble a little. It’s been a while since I’ve posted.

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  1. September 9th, 2004 at 19:06 | #1

    Hey, thank you for the recent comment in my journal. That is quite possibly the best compliment/comment I could ever receive and it meant the world to me 🙂

    • September 10th, 2004 at 14:04 | #2

      I honestly don’t see enough people taking their faith seriously. They spend so much time arguing with others about why their faith is “right” that they totally miss the point of having faith in the fitst place =P. It’s nice to read your posts and see that you take it all to heart… sometimes I forget that people till do that.

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