My BFF Jill strikes again, IRL
We use AIM at work for internal communications quite a bit. We do this not only for the sake of convenience, but because cut/pasting ticket or device information is a lot easier and more reliable than dictating it over the phone. I’ve noticed and interesting trend lately. A lot of the middle aged people talk on AIM as if they’re in highschool. I’ll get an IM from one of our engineers “Hi Ian, r u there?”. I want to slap them. I’m guessing it’s because “aim-speak” has been popularized along with the advent of the instant messenger itself (and text messaging as well in my opinion). So to someone for whom this is a relatively new innovation, they must think “this is just how people talk on IM”… Completely forgetting this is a workplace, and they are an adult speaking with another adult. It’s not really irritating as much as intriguing since these people are usually very professional when speaking or writing emails. it’s only on IM that they talk that way.
Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.
The two people I have to talk to online for my work do that as well, it gets oddly irritating, especially considering that they seem to ignore 90% of what I say to them in emails as well. I’m guessing they really *are* retarded twelve-year-olds at this point.