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December 13th, 2007 Leave a comment Go to comments

Apparently the sky is falling. In discrete packets of snow. A lot of it. Luckily work is treating it like the second coming and putting everyone up in a local hotel if they don’t feel like driving home. After carefully weighing the benefits of driving home in traffic that’s literally backed up a couple dozen carlengths into the parking lot against staying in a hotel that has an irish bar that brews their own beer, I decided to stay. My boss pointed out there is Baileys’ in his drawer for just this kind of emergency situation, and that drinking at work from this point forward is to be strictly enforced. You know, to keep the troops happy. If you have to drive home today, drive safe New Englandahs.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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  1. December 13th, 2007 at 22:07 | #1

    Yup. We’re far enough south here in Philly that we only have rain. As a native Pacific Northwesterner, the rain sounds wonderful. I can’t wait for snow, but I want it to wait until we get back, as Sean and I are leaving on the 17th to head home for Christmas and we don’t want anything to keep us from the airport.

  2. December 14th, 2007 at 15:55 | #2

    It was fun. We have over a foot here, I think. I was going to go play in parking lots, but meh. Maybe tonight.

    • December 15th, 2007 at 12:40 | #3

      normally I would have gone and played in it, but I was on 3 all-seasons and a donut. I opted to simply survive the commute =P.

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