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Asshattery, ho!

September 26th, 2007 Leave a comment Go to comments

So the UK is apparently putting in some sort of anti-cyberbully bill. I guess it’s no different from the normal treatment this topic gets from the powers that be. It’s fine to mess around with the little nerdy kid, making his life some flavor or another of living hell during gradeschool as long as it’s face to face. But mess with Buffy the pretty white girl’s myspace page anonymously and you’re going to pay. So it’s little nerdy kids taking out their frustrations via the internet and all the sudden there need to be bills put in place. Cute. Way to extend the status quo into the internet. Sucks for them I suppose that it’ll never actually work.

In any given modern society, the expectation of personal wellbeing and some mote of respect from peers is granted as a right. Or something like that. It’s typically expected that humans will act like decent humans towards other humans in “real life”. you have no such right or expectation on the internet. “Grow some thick skin” is not an acceptable response to some poor kid getting bullied at school since they have no choice but to go and face the same people every day. But it’s perfectly reasonable to tell some little twit whining about cyberbullying to grow some thick skin since they’re on the internet by choice only.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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  1. September 26th, 2007 at 12:33 | #1

    Boggles the mind whey they don’t care about IRL bullying, yet get their panties in a wad over insulting text messages and myspace comments.


    • September 26th, 2007 at 12:39 | #2

      Seriously. IRL bullying can escalate to fistfights, and even as much as a whole family having to move. cyber-bullying results in… um… having to start a new myspace page (oh noes!) or at worst needing to change your phone number. The horror!

      • September 26th, 2007 at 14:52 | #3

        Apparently, the UK hasn’t learned about butthurt.

        • September 26th, 2007 at 15:00 | #4

          More people need to read ED. if for no other reason than to see what the internet really thinks of… everything.

  2. September 28th, 2007 at 17:50 | #5

    I think it is pretty messed up for the most part, but I have to disagree with you just slightly. I guess I am just tired of the excuse that because it is the internet, we must expect to be treated poorly. I know it is a choice to be here, as you’ve said, versus a place like school, but does that really give anyone the right to act any less human? I mean, it’s my choice to go to other places in real life as well, like stores and restaurants, but if there was a bully or other low-life plaguing me in a locale such as those, I would be able to do something about it.

    Granted, sometimes it is the individual’s fault for how bad things get. Like that news report on a ‘secret hacker website’ (4-chan) that put gay porn all over some dude’s myspace, and his girlfriend left him because she thought he was cheating with dudes. What a dumb whore. XD

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