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November 10th, 2006 Leave a comment Go to comments

You know what’s pretty cool? getting ripped off on eBay.

I’d put my main character from World of Warcraft up on eBay since I don’t play anymore. I figured I could get some bonus cash for Christmas. Sounds reasonable, right? The auction sells and I get $500 for my hunter. Score! I transfer all my account info to the winner, just to find out a few minutes afterwards that the account of the person that had bought my auction was supposedly compromised. Great. I try to log into my WoW account, the password is already changed. Now normally I wouldn’t care all that much, it’s just a stupid game. I invested a good amount of time in it but that’s what one does with a game, so whatevs. But the character was an asset worth hard cash to me, and it would have been really cool to have an extra $500 for Christmas kicking around.

I submitted a ticket with Blizzard to get my account back. no idea how that will pan out. They’re notoriously slow and unreliable. Chances are I’ll have to return the money too, since I got it through someone else’s fraudulent action. Basically I lose out on both ends. The accompanying feeling of having been ripped off is always pretty damn cool too.

Today already rocks, and it hasn’t even started yet.

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  1. November 10th, 2006 at 12:40 | #1

    I hope they give you back your character 🙁 That blows x.x

    • November 10th, 2006 at 13:42 | #2

      yeah, not a good time =(. even if I get it back I doubt it will have all the gear it did when I owned it. I’ll probably have to sell it for a lot less than I could have -_-. oh wells. I guess free money is free money.

  2. November 10th, 2006 at 13:23 | #3

    That sucks hardcore. I think EBAY would be liable, though.

    • November 10th, 2006 at 13:43 | #4

      I wish I could point the finger somewhere and say “my money” and run. technically it’s the lady’s fault, she gave out her paypal info over IM to a scammer. so it’s her own stupid fault. but I still dun think it’d be right to say “your loss” and wash my hands on it.

      • November 10th, 2006 at 13:56 | #5

        Well, it’s your problem if you want to be all nice-guy Mr-Morals about it. 😉

  3. November 10th, 2006 at 14:05 | #6

    I don’t understand what happened. You still got the money? So what’s the problem here? Seriously – there appears to be a moral dilemma but I’m not sure what happened. So was someone using the buyer’s account against her will illegally? ID theft?

    that sucks. but you might not have to give the money back, since you didn’t know. Why should you lose property because of someone else’s crime – the fact that it’s irretrievable might work in your favor.

    Of course, if she doesn’t have insurance or a remedy on her end, giving it back would be best. But still.

    • November 10th, 2006 at 14:30 | #7

      It’s a case of ID theft. my worry is that even if I have the money in my acct, I won’t be able to keep it since I received it via fraud. I dunno how all that works. the cash is en route to my acct from paypal. we’ll see if it makes it.

  4. November 10th, 2006 at 14:14 | #8

    did you get the $? Why did you do the transfer without the $$$$$????????????????????????????????????????

  5. November 13th, 2006 at 18:46 | #9

    Hey Igg, long time no talk. Bummer about WoW…

    Hope you’ve been well.

    -Siper2 (Chris)

    • Anonymous
      November 14th, 2006 at 18:28 | #10


      L2EBAY! excellent seller will buy again



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