My car is black. black like “that color nobody in their right mind should buy a car in because it can’t be kept clean” black. When I was buying my car it was sort of a race against time to get myself into a new car before the transmission in the SVX gave out (which was a rapidly progressing situation). I ended up with my little black civic because it was the only 2-door 5-speed civic in… well.. all of the dealerships in New England. I want it 5-speed for obvious reasons, and 2-door because the 4-door models have beige interiors. If I’m buying a new car, it’s not going to have a beige interior. sorry.

I washed and waxed it yesterday, and the car looked pretty damn good. For the second time ever. The first time being the day I drove it off the lot. It’s true that black cars always look dirty. I really wish it was silver. it still needs a claybaring (or however the hell you would conjugate that) to get rid of some old wax rings and some wierd mega-dirt spots that refuse to scrub off on the side. other than that she looked pretty damn good. definitely needs the claybar and another coat of wax before winter. But she will look good for probably another day till the dew settles tomorrow and attracts every bit of dust and dirt that gets kicked up off the road on the way to work.

but hey, at least I don’t have an automatic with a beige interior. I’ve got that covered.

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  1. October 11th, 2006 at 13:03 | #1

    My car is black as well, and my neighbor’s kids (age 4 and 6) are obsessed with writing all over it with their greasy little fingers which stays on the car until I wash and wax it again. I’m always amazed at how dirty it can be after a massive rain storm.

    Claybar scares me….I’ve never used it because I’m too scared to scratching up the finish with it.

    • October 11th, 2006 at 13:15 | #2

      Claybar is MAGIC. I’ve used claybar before with great success. there;s no scratching to be had. On one of my ex’s cars there was paint splatter on one side near the front wheel, presumably from driving through paint (der). and it was literally impossible to get off via conventional means, as one would expect paint to be. Claybar was the only thing that removed it.

      it acts like a superfne sandpaper. it removes those little circlets that get left in the wax from water droplets that you can never seem to wash off. basically it just evens out the surface of the paint by scrubbing off a tiny bit of wax. takes forever to do the whole car but its worth it. I recommend getting a kit and trying it on a troublespot that’s out of view if you’re worried about scratching. unless you use it on a really dirty sectoin of paint and a grain of sand gets caught in the clay, scratching the finish. it definitely requires a fesh wash.

    • October 11th, 2006 at 13:56 | #3

      Fingers on paint are a very bad thing – they drag dust and dirt with them, and have acids and oils that eat at clear coats and then paint. If I were you, I’d speak with the neighbor and tell them to work at being real parents. That is, respect other people’s property. You can also get a car cover.

      • October 11th, 2006 at 14:38 | #4

        I wish it were that simple….my neighbor’s kids are pretty much hell spawn. They are the kind of kids who wait for their parents to go outside and then lock them out and set things on fire in front of the window while their parents scream at them. I honestly wouldn’t have bought my house had I known how bad they were. They have actually keyed my car, so I’m actually glad they’ve just downgraded to fingerpainting on it.

    • October 11th, 2006 at 13:57 | #7

      Oh and that’s the scariest Vin Diesel EVARR.

  2. October 11th, 2006 at 13:55 | #8

    Be sure that if you drop the clay bar……………….don’t use it again unless you wash it over and over and over until it’s bright yellow and has NOTHING IN IT. Unlikely, so…yeah…don’t use the whole block of clay at a time. Take pieces. Throw out the ones that get bits in them. End of story. I’m completely … meticulous about my car, and it’s not an easy process. Make sure to wax directly after claybar, and maybe another time like…the next week or so. At least, just before the bad weather comes…you want to get several coats of wax on there.

    I did 4 between Oct and mid Nov last year – but that was because the car was brand new, and I wanted to protect it BEFORE bad stuff happened. I’ll fit in another wax b4 the temps get too cold this weekend, I hope…possibly next.

  3. October 11th, 2006 at 17:26 | #9

    Oh snap, my Civic is auto w/ beige interior. Fuck!

    • October 11th, 2006 at 17:57 | #10

      well you got yours used. I’ve had used automatic cars with beige interiors before. the point is that if I’m paying out of my weary ass for a brand new car, it’s going to have a few minimum features ><

      • October 11th, 2006 at 18:56 | #11

        OK, I guess I get *some* amnesty for having bought it used. Phew!

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