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y’arr me heartys

September 19th, 2006 Leave a comment Go to comments

Avast! Today be international talk like a pirate day! I expects ye land lubbers to be talkin’ like a pirate, or we’ll be keel haulin’ the lot of ye scurvy dogs!

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  1. September 19th, 2006 at 20:13 | #2

    You know that Y should not be followed by S in this instance. It’s HEARTIES.

    Please stop trying to kill me with your mind. 🙂


    • September 19th, 2006 at 20:15 | #3

      Give yer mangy spellings to the navy! we pirates spells how we pleases!! watch ye step or you’ll end up in Davy Jones’s”s’ss’s’s lockar!

  2. September 20th, 2006 at 01:26 | #4


    Sean and I have an inside thing where we randomly say things like “arrr, matey… AVAST!” and the such out of nowhere.

    It’s fun.

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