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Fiesta loco!!~~~ (Tildes added for authentic fiesta flavor)

This morning at the caf instead of just regular eggs or scrambled eggs, they put diced onions and peppers on it. For Cinco de Mayo. Because, like, the onions and peppers make it all fiesta-like. Because that’s what “they” do. They put onions and peppers on shit. That’s how you know it’s authentic fiesta style. You’re not having a fiesta until you’re fucking covered in onions and peppers. Seriously though, it’s not about the ingredients, it’s about the love. It’s the most genuine love you can buy for $2.73, dump in a styrofoam box, and take back to your desk.

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  1. Anonymous
    May 4th, 2006 at 21:44 | #1

    they did that at our caf too!

    lemme guess…sodexho…

    sabominator (we are such corporate bitches)

  2. May 5th, 2006 at 08:24 | #2

    apparently denver is filled with hispanic jews.

    where’s your omelette now, denver!

  3. May 5th, 2006 at 15:55 | #3

    They don’t do that crap here…they know better.


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