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Pine (not a post about email)

It smells like pine on I-290. Why does it smell like pine? They are doing their periodic deforestation near the road. They tend to clear out the first 12 feet or so of vegetation from the side of the road do leave a big clear swath next to the breakdown lane. Their reasoning for this, I am told, is to save lives. A study was done by the Massachusetts DMV and it was found that when cars flew off the roads due to one reason or another, they tended to smash into trees and whatnot in the first 12 feet or so of vegetation next to the road. So clearly to save lives, these homicidal trees should be done away with and shredded into little bits so they can no longer harm people. Good thinking saves lives. what could go wrong?

It turns out that after this is done, cars fly off the road, past the newly cleared terrain, and smash into the first 12 feet or so of vegetation beyond that.

I should note that this was one of the MA DMV’s brighter ideas.

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  1. March 23rd, 2006 at 15:42 | #1

    12 feet of foam might help…..

    • March 23rd, 2006 at 16:06 | #2

      Coat the trees with rubber. then the car will bounce back onto the highway and be on its way. Until it crashes into a car and bursts into flame.

  2. March 23rd, 2006 at 21:41 | #4

    This gives trees within the SECOND 12 feet of forest a fair chance at causing their share of causing casualties. Hooray for the Communistwealth of Taxachusetts :p

  3. March 24th, 2006 at 15:36 | #5

    You should move to Arizona…we don’t have any homicidal trees (it’s one of the reasons I moved from Boston…) We do, however, have us some pretty nasty tumbleweeds….


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