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So there’s this telco company we call a lot. We’ll just call them something unassuming like “Sprint” so I don’t have to use their real name. The call center is clearly in the south, since the majority of the people we talk to there have a deep southern accent. It’s always the same crowd, about 20 of them. There’s one little gem among them that stands out from the rest though.

I pick up the phone and hear a sort of nasal male voice on the other end. “Thank you for calling Sprint,”… the names are cycling through my head. Will it be Bill? Jim? Frank?… “This is Monica”. O_o… come again? Monica. Here at the NOC, we call her “Manica” because she sounds deceptively male. Every time I hear her, my brain twists and contorts in impossible ways. Even after talking to her for 10 minutes or so about a ticket, my brain refuses to believe she is a woman. I half expect her to say “By the way this is Bob, lol” at the end of the call.

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  1. January 7th, 2006 at 19:02 | #1

    hmm maybe shes a tranny and she changed his/her name…..

  2. January 9th, 2006 at 16:53 | #2

    Now you have me pondering what people think of my phone voice……

  3. January 21st, 2006 at 09:13 | #3

    Tell her your name is Jennifer.

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