November 11th, 2005 Leave a comment Go to comments

I didn’t want to post anything before Jim (Fishguy) did, but Ed (Sirkbac) passed away tonight. Prity called me while I was on the way to work, but I didn’t take the call since reception is spotty there. I don’t like talking and having it drop 12 times due to my phone’s inability to switch towers. I saw she left a voicemail and made a mental note to check it when I got into work. I got a call about 30 mins into my shift from a number I didn’t know, so I let it roll to voicemail as is my policy for unknown numbers. this reminded me I already had VM to check. it was Prity talking through tears, just asking me to call her back. So I called, expecting to hear about a fender bender or something. …

I’ll spare the internet the details for the time being, but Ed has indeed passed away. I’d gotten to know him well recently. Especially since he started dating Prity. Some people thought it was odd that I was so friendly towards Ed, but he was a friend beforehand. Prity is a great girl and I was happy to see him with her, and likewise Ed is a great guy and I was glad to see Prity with him. Anyways, we would hang out at his work on weekends or chat on IM. Eventually he started working here at Dimension Data with me, and I’d see him when the shifts changed over. I helped him and Prity move countless (ok, more like 3) times. He’s helped me move a few times. He would always give me random rides here and there if I needed a lift. Even lent me his car over a weekend when mine was broken. He was a damn good friend. I feel bad that living the 3rd shift life didn’t let me hang out with him more. but that’s more hindsight and I know I couldn;t have done too much about it.

Anyways, this is still fresh news and I don’t know exactly what happened yet. To my knowledge nobody does at the moment. still very much in shock and don’t know what to make of my thoughts.

Relavent link

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  1. November 11th, 2005 at 14:06 | #1


    That is so sad. My condolences to you and everyone that were lucky enough to know him.

  2. November 11th, 2005 at 14:16 | #2

    I just read, I really have no words. It’s got to be horrible for jim and his family…

  3. November 11th, 2005 at 15:37 | #3

    I’m shattered. Ed was a good friend. I have no words.

  4. November 11th, 2005 at 19:31 | #4

    My Condolences dude, good luck, our prayers are with you and your friends in this time of need.

  5. November 15th, 2005 at 16:11 | #5

    Again, incredibly sorry…I’m still praying for you…

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