
Archive for February, 2005

February 2nd, 2005 6 comments

Bob bitched at me yesterday for leaving 30 minutes early. as I was walking out the door… “So, you going to make up some time later in the week?”



Seriously, I had no idea what to say. None. I was totally and completely without words. After working november and december at 10-12 hours a day every day, and only getting paid for 40 hours, I was so utterly dumbfounded that she’d spew bowels of her lungs. Short memory eh?

Yay for leaving.

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How do I get out of this chicken shit outfit?

February 1st, 2005 12 comments

Got ze job. w00t! I accepted a verbal offer today. the guy hadn’t even seen my resumee yet. he’s hiring me pretty much on reccommendation alone. sucker! er… I mean… yeah. I sent him my resumee today so he can see about squeezing more pay out of HR for me. I’ll be getting a formal offer letter in the mail by friday at which point I’ll be putting in my two weeks here at Sonoscan. I’ll be potentially starting the 21st. the pay is well above what I make here, and it looks to be a kickass crew. unfortunately I’ll be working nights for a while, but I’ve been assured that would be for 6 months at the most. There’s lots of other stuff to move up into here, and the company isn’t going to go under any time soon *cough*Diagenics*cough*Germans*cough*.

I’m quite pleased right now. this takes a load of stress off my mind.

As a side note, apparently the decision to hire me was made before I was even interviewed and was based off Dan0’s recommendation… and from readin my livejournal O_o. it turns out I’m just the kind of unstable nutjob that the rest of the people there are, and they figured I’d fit in well. WTF? my livejournal helped me get hired? Normally I’d say something like “these guys have no idea what they’re in for…” but apparently they DO. suckers!!! er.. I mean..

mmm… Big Kat.

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