mmmm…. kiosk
While “driving” today, an idea dawned upon me. I use the term “driving” loosely since traveling under 15mph could hardly be considered driving at all in any reasonable sense of the word. Whilst enjoying a traffic jam today on 495 it took me about one hour to traverse 10 miles. If you’re good at math, this will tell you I was going about 10mph. If you’re bad at math, it’s more like 8mph. Don’t ask why, I don’t make the rules. Anyhow, I was on the phone with Seth to keep from falling asleep and it dawned on me “I could really use some coffee right now. Like, wicked”. So Seth and I discussed the options of mobile coffee distribution for just such an occasion.
The first idea was a mobile coffee truck, like those mobile food trucks/kiosks that you see in New York City that serve salty pretzels or oily sausages of some dreadful origin. They would be permitted to drive in the breakdown lane since they were providing a service to all. Who can argue with that? another option would be to add a separate coffee lane for these trucks to drive in. Clearly these vehicles are of such importance as to demand the extra infrastructure.
The second (and far cooler) idea would be much better for the distribution aspect fo mobile coffee delivery. A semitruck would be dispatched to the traffic jam location, carrying a number of men on bicycles. This throng of espresso warriors would drive into the gridlock and maneuver between cars to get to the needy folks. One or two would have an espresso machine on their backs. The others would carry battery packs being constantly charged by those cool rear wheel generators that your parents bikes had to power the headlight. Upon reaching a needy soul, they would all yell “LET OUR POWERS COMBINE!”, and they would merge into a Voltron-like host of coffee dispensing righteousness. The battery bikes would plug into the espresso bike, and out would churn the delicious coffee. Then they would revert into their much more mobile decentralized form to get to the next customer.
Clearly this has to come to pass. I see no way around it.
Awesome. And they need a Donut Portal (the successor to the Donut Pipe)
It astounds me that I didn’t think of such a thing. You are quite right. The DonutPipe(tm) is obviously lacking in mobility. Something MUST be done about this.
They tried flexible plastic pipes but the donuts got stuck and it was a huge disaster.
Leveled Cleveland, I heard.
Hahaha, not a bad idea but…
Do you really want all those other drivers around you when you’re stuck in traffic all ramped up on espresso??
Re: Hahaha, not a bad idea but…
So what you’re saying is… the best way to solve the problem is not only to make espresso immediately available, but to eliminate all the other traffic as well? That would make the traffic jam far more bearible. Your ideas intrigue me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Re: Hahaha, not a bad idea but…
I hear of these things call cow catchers.
What about a car catcher?
Re: Hahaha, not a bad idea but…
I hear of these things called sidewinder missles. Surely they can mounted to bike racks?
Re: Hahaha, not a bad idea but…
I have been without missiles for far too long. I must remedy this. It WILL come to pass.
We need a clear cut business model, slogan, and a mission statement.
This idea so far has only been considered while in traffic and on brains deprived of caffine. This internet stuff is too mish-mash-mosh and new. We should meet and have a good old fashion brainstorming session feuled by tremendous amounts of caffine like those 80’s-fast-lane-business-life movies shown on crappy cable networks.
Re: Hahaha, not a bad idea but…
my post had nothing to do with ur entry Igg but this guy is cute 😉
better idea…
Re: better idea…
Maybe these?
