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On the subject of n00bs…

Some random girl invited me to do some quests with her in WoW. Whatev.. makes things go by faster. The degree to which she butchered the english language… nay, the written word… was astonishing. This was an example of the chatter I would receive from her:

“can u come back too the villag but us the blue thing don’t watch”

O_o WTF? seriously! what does that even mean?! She even misspelled “any”. She spelled it “aney”. Crazy. You should have seen how she spelled “medallion”. At that point I think I actually saw the words on the screen tremble, trying their hardest not to cry.

ATTN: whateveryournamewas – Mashing the keyboard with your hooves will not create intelligible phrases. Please abandon your computer and play with spelling blocks for a while.

*EDIT* after some thought over what the hell she was talking about, I think I figured it out. She was trying to say “Can you come back to the village, but use the blue thing (referring to the hearthstone), don’t walk”. That’s the only thing she could have possibly been trying to say.

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  1. January 24th, 2005 at 06:37 | #1

    You got one of those 10 year old girls. Congrats!

    -paK +6

  2. January 24th, 2005 at 17:08 | #2

    ‘Blue thing’ is not a suitable substitute for ‘hearthstone,’ especially when in order to USE said stone, you have to mouse over it to read it’s item description so you know that it returns you to town. She loses at life, terribly. XD

  3. January 25th, 2005 at 06:20 | #3

    I have a small problem. There is a ghost living in my attic. Brian said that you could explain to me why ghosts can’t touch people, because they seem to be doing a splendid job of playing with the cell phones in the house, and its only a matter of time before I’m killed by the little girl from “The Ring”.

  4. January 27th, 2005 at 00:13 | #4

    Igg –

    What server do you play on? As who/what?


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