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November 30th, 2004 Leave a comment Go to comments

It’s been a busy couple of days. Had a great time over Thanksgiving vacation, and being back at work is a little “less than cool”. But whatever… it’s less than a month until my next vacation, and this time it’ll be more like 2 weeks. big w00t.

Wednesday I went down to NYC with a Korey and Erica to see Infected Mushroom at Avalon. Avalon was very…. “Avalon”. IM put on a great show though, so it was worth it. The whole deal was a bit of an adventure from a logistical perspective… a little too much walking and not getting home till 9:30am on Thursday (and no, there was no sleeping in the mean time =P ). I did the family thanksgiving at 1:00pm, and later I went to another Thanksgiving glutton-fest at Prity’s place. Hung out with her and her BF, Ed (Sirkbac), and his brother, Jim (fishguy). I don’t often get to see both of nabisco’s “Evil Twins” at once so that was pretty cool. Later I went back home to pack for Friday. Finally zonked out at around 11. Wednesday/Thursday was one loooong fucking day.


The next, and certainly more anticipated, bit of traveling was a spur-of-the-moment jaunt down to FL to visit Teresa. In all honesty, it was planned out a couple weeks in advance…. but it was spur-of-the-moment when it was planned, and if you’ve ever tried to buy plane tickets for a holiday weekend only two weeks in advance you then know exactly how spur-of-the-moment it really is =P. Many thanks to Nick for giving me some very good advice on picking plane tickets. It made the trip much more enjoyable.

I spent Friday and Saturday with Teresa at her home-home in Boca Raton. Got to meet her Mother, and it seems she thinks highly of me… so that’s one bullet dodged. Win =D. Sunday we drove back to her away-from-home-home in Orlando. My (far too short) visit ended on monday… My flight left at 7:30. Thankfully I wasn’t on it. Missed the flight due to slacking, and picked up a ticket for a flight 3 hours later. I say thankfully because I got to spend a little extra time with Teresa. I love you, sweetie. Thanks for showing me a great time while I was down in FL. Can’t wait to see you over Christmas.

That was t3h vacation. It was the best time off I’ve had in as long as I can recall, and was far too short.

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  1. November 30th, 2004 at 17:50 | #1

    i’m quite sick of avalon myself. unfortunately, they book a lot of good acts and charge way too much. how’d you do in that wonderful thanksgiving rain?

    • November 30th, 2004 at 17:56 | #2

      the rain wasn’t all that bad on Wednesday night, actually. It was mostly just cold and damp with the occasional drizzle passing through. unpleasant, but at least it wasn’t all-out raining.

      • November 30th, 2004 at 18:17 | #3

        friday morning here was nasty.
        next time you come down, lemme know and i’ll buy you an overpriced beer

  2. Anonymous
    November 30th, 2004 at 23:06 | #4

    sabs’s younger brother was at the same show, said it was quite good.

    glad to hear you had such a great weekend…

    limber up your transmission muscles, because I’m pretty sure we’re going to be “go” for Dec. 11.



  3. November 30th, 2004 at 23:36 | #5

    ::poke, poke::

    Igg, is that you? Writing all this candid personal stuff in t3h yu0r public el-jay?! =D

    I’m soooo going to be pimping my long black coat and my Doc Martens this winter. I’ll be bad-ass.

    PS, ::MUAH!!:: 😉

    • December 1st, 2004 at 00:14 | #6

      yes, it is indeed me O__O. I’m in mushy beaming mode. so I’m dumping my happeh on the intarweb =D. LJ-land will deal.

      Can’t wait to see you in your cold weather getups =D. Hurry up and get over here. Miss you.

      PS – ::MUAH:: =)

      • December 1st, 2004 at 00:49 | #7

        Bahh, I’m working on it. Stupid spacetime continuum! >:|

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