It was an interesting weekend.

As I mentioned, I went up to NH to work a road rally. dr_death35 picked me up in his RX-8 at around 11-ish and we headed “up noath” to meet up with the rest of the guys working the rally. We met up at a Jillian’s and played some pool while we waited for the workers to trickle in. We got to the first checkpoint we’d be running at around 6-ish. We worked checkpoints till around 11, and the race ended at midnight. it was a very successful event from everything I gather.

I got to do some “spirited driving” in Brian’s RX-8. The car is wonderful. for all the driving we did, we almost never heard the tires squeel. it’s a very stable machine. Took a while to get used to the clutch and the ratios, but it was a ton of fun to drive.

We slept up there at Casa de James, and spent most of the next day playing this crazy game called Katamari. it’s this crazy game where you roll around and collect stuff, making your “ball o junk” bigger… it’s very strange but really cool.

anyways… that’s the short “LJ” version… good weekend.

EDIT – there *may be* cockpit vids of some of the driving if any car-folk are interested. Email me if you want a linky to them. I’d post it up, but I have very little bandwidth from my home server to go around. keep in mind it was ~11 at night on boonie back roads in the middle of a road rally. don’t try this at home, kids.

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  1. October 11th, 2004 at 10:42 | #1

    *jealous* =^_~=

  2. October 11th, 2004 at 14:00 | #2

    yea, I rule:)

    and you know I want those vids……

    speed safely

  3. October 11th, 2004 at 15:06 | #3


    I’ve got mad phat bandwidth… 😉 Gimme!

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