Even though I’m only moderately satisfied with my job and not at all happy with my prospective career path, there’s something undeniably satisfying about signing my own cover letters on the technical reports I write. Anyone who’s ever had to be a lab tech/peon and has gotten to a rank where they can sign cover letters knows this feeling. It’s something I’ll miss if/when I leave the field.

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  1. Anonymous
    July 27th, 2004 at 16:31 | #1


    whoa….you mean, you are a valued member of contemporary society? do you maybe have BUSINESS CARDS???? harvard won’t let me have those. can i see yours sometime? maybe have one to put on my fridge?
    ps – we live somewhere awesome, now you have to come over.

    • July 27th, 2004 at 19:36 | #2

      Re: !!

      likewise, you and giggles have to come up and see out pimpin pad. we just got finished putting up christmas lights in the kitchen.

      and maybe I’ll give you one of my cards. if you’re good.

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