So I guess we’re getting dumped on with a big snowstorm today in New England. All you Cali/Texas/Florida people can bite me. You and your unrepentant good weather. It’s supposed to start soon, and get real heavy at around rush-hour time. Glad I still have the snows on. I know that everyone in their Dreadnaught-class SUVs will be stalking the roads, so I’m hoping to get out a little early or a little late to avoid it. I believe Andrew’s pic is once again relavent:

In other news, my toes itch. They’re in my shoes. I can’t scratch them. That sucks.

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  1. March 16th, 2004 at 11:42 | #1

    Goddamit we’re getting slop in PA too. I was all ready to drive 100 miles to the nearest Sears cervix center to exchange a broken part for my dad’s mower, but dammit there is SALT all over the road and I still have summer tires. I hate salt.

    Texas weather wasn’t all that great, ya know. 90 degrees with 95% humiditity = shitty turbo weather. Every once in a while when we’d get a “cold snap” (aka mid 40’s in the early morning) people on TXIC would be all like “wow! it is cold my turbo car has teh pow4r!”

  2. March 16th, 2004 at 15:16 | #2

    Snow is cool, I like seeing other soccer moms doing 4 wheels slides in the ditch and cocky teens in the FWD understeer into a tree 😉

    I’m kind of the right-lane driver. I like speed limit. And during snow, everyone basically goes slow and me likey.

    -paK +23

  3. March 17th, 2004 at 01:52 | #3

    i NEVARRR get tired of the ADD photo.

    …and i wish it snowed here, just a little. enough to go out and have fun. I mean, it snows at the granny’s house in the mountains but it’s 2 hours away, not like “hey lets go drive in the snow”.

    – Teh oilcover

    • March 17th, 2004 at 06:28 | #4

      ADD chick gets lots of play in my next post :p

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