September 16th, 2003 Leave a comment Go to comments

What is your battle cry? check it:

I got:

Hark! Who is that, sprinting out of the candy store! It is IggDawg, hands clutching a meaty axe! And with a spectacular roar, his voice cometh:

“I’m going to **** you faster than the speed of sound, and roll you in creamy neugut!!!”


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  1. September 16th, 2003 at 10:31 | #1

    =0_0= holy cow. Yours is so…. creamy *snickers*

    MINE ===>

    What Is Your Battle Cry?

    Striding over the wasteland, brandishing a mighty sword, cometh Annabellissima! And she gives a booming grunt:

    “I’m going to forcibly reverse your gender!”

    Find out!
    Enter username:
    Are you
    a girl, or
    a guy ?

    created by beatings : powered by monkeys


  2. September 16th, 2003 at 12:15 | #2

    Hm, not sure which I like best. Check mine:

    What Is Your Battle Cry?

    Running over the freeway, carrying a piece of chainlink fence, cometh Wrxtacy! And he gives a booming roar:

    “I’m going to beat the flaming shit out of you!!!”

    Find out!
    Enter username:
    Are you
    a girl, or
    a guy ?

    created by beatings : powered by monkeys

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