September 2nd, 2003 Leave a comment Go to comments

I just snarfed cappuccino. I got here before the bosslady, so there ws nobody to let me in. so I goes down to the local starbucks to practice capitalism. It’s either that or questionable breakroom coffee. so I have this yummy venti (that’s italian for “5 dollars” or something) cappuccino. I take a sip, and it decided it wants no part of this. it must be socialist, and this is it’s way of rebelling. a moment later I find myself in the stylisticly unpleasing scenario of having frothy brown cappuccino coming from my nostrils. now I’m -5 style points for the rest of the day. I’ll have to breakdance or something to make up for it.


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  1. September 10th, 2003 at 14:23 | #1

    yeah, that’ll do it.

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